PeaMUST project is labeled by the GIS "Biotechnologies Vertes" (GIS BV).

The Scientific Group of Interest "Plant Biotechnologies" (GIS BV) aims at developing technologies and skills, in order to produce the knowledge necessary to create innovative crop varieties.

It is build on a large public-private partnership community, which gathers public research institutes, seed companies, technical institutes, sector representatives, and competitive clusters.

The GIS BV labels research projects from its members, for scientific topics that fall into the field of the GIS BV. All the labeled projects form together the "Biotechnologies Vertes" program.  It is articulated around 4 strategic objectives:

- Adaptation to global change;

- Optimization of water and mineral use efficiency;

- Improvement of crop yield and quality in the frame of sustainable intensification

- New uses for plant products

Modification date: 25 April 2023 | Publication date: 26 February 2014 | By: Judith Burstin