
Workpackages: PeaMUST will combine different complementary approaches

  • Developing genomic selection programs based on naturally occurring variability and targeting yield stability.
  • Enhanced allele mining for marker assisted selection (MAS) of durable resistance through comparative mapping.
  • Creation of innovative plant architecture ideotypes by screening mutations and symbiotic biological regulations for improved stress tolerance.
  • Functional validation of candidate genes identified as putatively involved in plant resistance/susceptibility to various stresses.
  • Demonstration of the usefulness of the information, new genotypes and tools produced in the other Work Packages (WPs), in order to propose novel pea breeding strategies addressing the challenge of high performance and sustainable agriculture.
  • Management of PeaMUST data and computing. Establishment of a bioinformatics community involving bioinformaticians from the different partners acting in the project.
  • Dissemination of PeaMUST project outcomes to the different stakeholders by targeted communication and training courses.

PeaMUST's integrative approach comprises eight Work Packages (WPs) :

  • WP1. Genome-wide approach of multi-stress tolerance
    • Genomic selection for yield stability
  • WP2. Translational genomics of resistance to main stresses
    • Cloning and validation
  • WP3. Architecture and multi-stress resistance
    • Exploring biological regulations
  • WP4. Functional validation
    • Plant resources, natural and induced variability
  • WP5. Socio-economic evaluation of impacts
    • Methods and prototypes
  • WP6. Bio-informatics
    • Data management, analysis and integration
  • WP7. Management, internal communication and audit
  • WP8. Dissemination, technology transfer & training

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Modification date: 25 April 2023 | Publication date: 26 February 2014 | By: Judith Burstin